Up Coming Events


February 15  Spring Specialty – Our Spring Specialty will be held along with the Oakland County Kennel Club and the Detroit Kennel Club shows Called the Motor City Winter Dog Classic shows. The shows will be held at the Suburban Showplace Collection Showplace in Novi, Michigan February 13 – 16, 2025. For more information or entry go to Jack Onofrio Dog shows or www.onofrio.com.  Our judges will be for Sweepstakes Marcy Nichols and for Breed Manuel Queijeiro.



Our Fall Specialty will be Friday, September 5,  2025 in Conjunction with Saginaw Valley Kennel Club and Genesee County Kennel Club as the Mid Mitten Cluster Shows (Sept. 5-8, 2024). At the Shiawassee County Fairgrounds 2900 E. Hibbard Rd. Corunna, MI 48817. Our Breed Judge will be TBD.  .

More information can be found on the Premium List Page.

We are looking forward to an exciting 2025!

The Bouvier Club is putting together a Rally Weekend in April 6 2025 with other clubs.  If you are interested in this you may contact our club Secretary.

We will also be holding Health clinics at various dog show this year(TBD).


For premium list:
July 6, 2024, Ann Arbor KC, Monroe, MI
Cardiology Clinic: Dr. Sarah E Achen, DVM, DACVIM
Hours: 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Cost: Auscultation $55 Echo $255 Cash Only

***For Premium List: ***
July 13, 2024, Sturgis KC, Marshall, MI
Cardiology Clinic: Dr. Sarah E Achen, DVM, DACVIM
Hours: 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Cost: Auscultation $55 Echo $255 Cash Only

***For Premium List: ***
September 7, 2024, Genesee County KC, Corunna, MI
Cardiology Clinic: Dr. Sarah E Achen, DVM, DACVIM
Hours: 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Cost: Auscultation $55 Echo $255 Cash Only


For Premium List:
July 13, 2024, Sturgis KC, Marshall, MI
Ophthalmologist Dr. Susette
Aquino, DVM Diplomat AVCO Board Certified
Hours: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Cost: $45.00 CASH ONLY
Note: First eye Drops Administered at 9:45am. Last drops(for last Appointment)12:45pm

For Premium List:
September 7, 2024 Genesee County KC, Corunna, MI
Ophthalmologist Dr. Susette
Aquino, DVM Diplomat AVCO Board Certified
Hours: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Cost: $45.00 CASH ONLY
Note: First eye Drops Administered at 9:45am. Last drops(for last Appointment)12:45pm




We are a local Bouvier des Flandres Club that is totally dedicated to the Bouvier des Flandres.  We enjoy all the activities that further educate, train and learn how to work with our bouviers.  We love new activities that involve our bouviers.  We do put on activities such as Agility Trials, Carting events, Herding events, Scent Work Trials, Obedience and Conformation Shows, Funmatches, and what is called RDO (Responsible Dog Ownership) Day,  just to name a few.  We promote the Bouvier des Flandres dog as a very versatile dog.
Always striving to show how versatile the Bouvier is, and always looking for new adventures for our dogs.  It is truly amazing at just how versatile this breed is.  Some of our Bouviers are Therapy Certified Dogs.  This is why our club is dedicated to promoting the temperament, appearance, soundness and the natural abilities of the Bouvier des Flandres that is described from The American Kennel Club description of the Bouvier.